Friday, October 13, 2006


I just heard a story from Adam regarding what else has been going on in my school. Our new head teacher, Una, apparently was teaching one of the kindergarten classes. During the class she got so upset that she shoved a desk. The desk hit a student, Anna, who started bawling. Una then MADE THE CLASS PROMISE NOT TO TELL ANYONE WHAT HAPPENED!

The next day, Anna's grandfather shows up at the school demanding to know what the fuck had happened and why his granddaughter came home with A BROKEN FOOT!!!! Mrs Lee, in all her wisdom, starts yelling at the headroom teacher who had no idea what had happened. Finally she asked the rest of the kindergarten class and they told her that Una made them promise not to tell anyone.

And her punishment? Her punishment for breaking a students foot in anger and making the class that witnessed it keep quiet about it??

A warning.

I take a day off and I'm fired.

I hate this country and can't wait to get home.


Anonymous said...

So I thought i'd read your blog and see what was new with you... and seems like everything's going just fantastic with you. Sorry Korea sucks. If it makes you feel any better, law school makes me want to stab myself in the eye every single day.
Hope it all works out!

Matty H said...


it sounds like by the time you leave the school you will go only by the alias, "He who will not be named."

And btw, don't listen to Marla about law school. I've been in senioritis mode ever since the semester started. My roommates must think 3L is a joke