Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Jobs, Speeding Tickets and Praha

    Well my two (nearly three, God...) weeks of sitting on my ass watching movies and playing video games are finally at an end. I got a job. That's right. No more lazing around for me. I will now have two, maybe three, hours of actual work each day.
    I was hired today by Mad Science (insert maniacal laughter), a company that teaches after school programs dealing with fun science experiments. I get to wear a white lab coat play around with acid and stuff. Thing is, I have to come up with a cool science name. Some science word + Sean. While alliteration is probably preferred, I'm leaning towards...wait for it...Combust-sean. Clever huh? I doubt a cooler name could be created, but if you have any other ideas, feel free to leave a post...I also volunteered to teach the after school chess program, which is less cool, but pays better. I have no formal knowledge of chess. In fact I barely know the pieces (guy on horse, castle, little fella, pointy guy) but I'm sure I can wing it.
    In other news, I had a great time last weekend visiting Santa Barbara, my old college town. I learned that revisiting college has a unique ability to make you feel really old, but this feeling fades the more you drink. It was a great weekend despite the speeding ticket I received on the way up. 84 in a 65. And no proof of insurance or valid registration to boot. I'm sure traffic school will be a good time...
    Most importantly though, is my recent acceptance to a TEFL certification course in Prague. It runs from mid July to mid August and promises a teaching job upon completion of the course. I went to Prague last Summer and loved it and am really excited to be going back. The school provides an apartment and a few other amenities and comes pretty highly recommended. I'm not sure where I'll go from there. Japan is still top of the list, but I might stick around in Europe for a while. I can't wait.

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